Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One Year Anniversary

It’s hard to believe that one year ago, I made the transition from Kentucky to Texas.  My move to the DFW has been one of the most challenging and most rewarding decisions I have ever made.  To mark this milestone, I thought I would catch everyone up with what has been going on with me lately. 

As most people probably know, I am a full time employee with a company called Health Management Systems.  We are one of the leading companies in the healthcare industry providing innovative cost containment solutions that benefit government and commercial healthcare programs.

I am currently working on the New York project.  I do asset research and recovery for the state’s Medicaid program in estate cases.  Some people may find it dreary or depressing what I do, since all the clients I work with are deceased, but it is actually very challenging work.  I actually didn’t go to school for any of this stuff either.  I went to school to for medical coding which required an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathologies.  Since my clients are dead, I guess it doesn’t matter if I know my radius from an ulna.  (Long bones in your forearm.)

My position requires a lot of research for each individual case.  I mostly spend my day surfing the web reading obituaries, researching deeds to property, identifying nursing facilities, and talking to attorneys and family members on the phone.  This is the hardest part since I have virtually no understanding of New York’s law regarding estates and probate.  In the end I walk away feeling satisfied I did the best I could.  Especially when those reimbursements come in.  There’s nothing I like more than to see that message that reads, PAYMENT RECEIVED.

Three months ago, I move out of Kevin and Kristin’s house and got a place of my own.  I moved to North Dallas to an apartment complex called Nantucket Landing.  It’s a small one bedroom, but adequate enough to meet my needs.  It’s just me here.

Though I am happy to have my own place, living here has not been without its frustration and challenges.  When I moved in my apartment has some issues, and needless to say, management was rather unresponsive.  Eventually all my problems were taken care of and things have improved some around here.  Plus I think my apartment complex came under new management, and everyone that worked here when I moved in got fired.

When I moved in, I had virtually nothing.  Thanks to the donations or friends, and my parents, my place feels more like a home.  I actually don’t know where I’d be without all their help.

Church is going well.  I love Watermark.  I have managed to make a couple of good friends since I have been here this past year. 

Thanks to my friend, David, I have joined a group called 2nd Saturday, which meets in the west end of Dallas, fixing up homes and doing community project for low income families.  It is a fantastic way to spend a Saturday, ministering to these people, fellowshipping and making new friends.

Since I have been at Watermark for about a year, I am exploring ministries I can be a part of in the church.  I contacted a ministry at Watermark called Frontlines, which is the greeting ministry there.  I volunteered to help set up in the morning and serve lunch after the 11 o’clock service.  No one has responded yet.  We’ll see where that goes.  I did look into drama at Watermark but my church is rather light in that department.

All in all, I am enjoying my time here.  I have the privilege of working for a great company, working with great coworkers, going to a good church, and forming new relationships with awesome people. 

I know I have slacked a lot on the restaurant reviews.  Since I have moved out, my finances have gotten a little tighter.  I know that new burger joint may look good, but so does paying the rent.  Hopefully soon, now that I am full time and my health insurance benefits have kicked, I can get a better grasp of my financial situation and get back to doing what I do so well…..EAT!  Until next time……